I do not drink booze that much. Alcohol has been unkind to me, too much makes me feel as if I am embalming myself alive. And, alas, too much comes too soon.
Sparkling wine (champagne, if I'm lucky), however, tends to treat me quite well, particularly if I chug plenty of water before, during, and after partaking. I'm willing to do that to feel the fizzy buzz I get when enjoying a flute or two.
My favorite sparkler right now is blue label Hungaria. It's a nutty, lemony quaff whose flavors are equal to and sometimes surpassing any of the cheap but tasty cavas available in the states. Hungaria costs about 1400 forint, seven bucks, which is a mighty nice price for the quality....crisp, dry, and refreshing.
Adding juice to a bubbling, pale gold flute of Hungaria is further insurance that I will not wake up wishing I could saw off my own head. Orange is an obvious choice for a mimosa, and the peach juice available in these parts makes for a splendid bellini.
Hmmm...what would happen if I added my favorite sour cherry juice to this pale blonde Hungarian bubbler? The Sour Puss is born. Try it, you'll like it, although you state siders might have a hard time finding a cherry juice worth the effort. Try the German markets if you got 'em, otherwise, opt for the dankest, richest sour cherry juice you can find.
Fill a flute or wine glass 2/3 full of cava (I don't think Hungaria is readily available in the U.S.). Add sour cherry juice to taste...cheers and Egészségedre (to your health)!
1 comment:
Why is Krampusz in the picture?!?! Sounds tasky :)
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